A requirement on the coherent length for making high quality holographic imaging is presented. 给出空间相干长度所必须满足的一个条件以得到较高质量成像。
The method of measuring the coherent length of the sunlight and the thickness of glass with Michelson interferometer is presented. 本文介绍了用迈克尔逊干涉仪测量白光的相干长度及玻璃片厚度的方法。
It was found that the coherent length became shorter and the spectrum resolving power became lower as a result of solid angle produced by the extended light source. 分析表明,扩展光源存在的立体角导致系统的相干长度变短,光谱分辨率降低。
Experimental study of obtaining atmospheric coherent length from turbulence profile 利用湍流廓线获得斜程大气相干长度的实验研究
Using the scalar quantity propagation formula, the numerical calculation had done. The far-field distributions of the Gaussian-Schell model beams with different waist width, correlation length and coherent length were worked out. 利用部分相干光的标量传播公式,对不同束腰宽度、相关长度和相干长度的高斯-谢尔模光束经光栅后的传输特性进行了数值计算,得到了多种情况下光束的远场强度分布。
Based on these, the mass loss rate, coherent length and pumping mechanism have been discussed and the results agree with the observations very well. 并讨论了质量流失、相干长度和抽运机制等问题,结论与观测符合。
If there is relative motion between a light source and an observer, the coherent length will not be equal to the length of the wave train as the result of Doppler effect. Finally we introduce a corrected formula. 同时,探讨了当光源与观察者有相对运动时,由于产生多普勒效应,相干长度将不等于波列长度,并导出了其修正公式。
It has been proved by experiments that the coherent length of the semiconductor laser is effectively reduced from 400 mm to 40 μ m by adopting current injecting method, with the result that the collimating accuracy of the quasi-white light is improved up to 1 μ m. 实验表明,采用类三角波电流调制可有效减小半导体激光的相干长度,从400mm减小到40μm,将准白光干涉瞄准的精度提高到1μm。
Measurement of atmospheric coherent length by four-aperture differential image motion method 四孔差分像运动测量大气相干长度的方法研究
This paper numerically calculates the transverse coherent length in atmospheric turbulence in the horizontal and vertical direction by its formula of integration and computer. 本文利用大气湍流横向场相干长度积分公式,借助计算机进行数据模拟分别计算了在水平方向和垂直方向的大气湍流横向相干长度。
From the master equation of a chain reaction model for homogeneous phase end, this article deduces out the critical relation between its coherent length and reactive parameter, and discuss the characteristic of critical relation for three special situation. 本文从一个具有均相终结的链反应模型的主方程出发,导出了其相干长度与反应参量的临界关系,讨论了三种特殊情形的临界关系的特性。
At last, some problems of getting atmospheric coherent length from the integral of turbulence profile were discussed. 最后在实验的基础上对湍流廓线计算球面波斜程大气相干长度作了讨论。
There's determined relation between times of diffraction limit N and coherent length of a source with homogeneous intensity. 衍射极限倍数N与匀强平面波源相干长度有确定的关系。
Estimation of atmospheric coherent length based on adaptive optics closed-loop data 基于自适应光学系统闭环数据的大气相干长度的计算
Another describes the relation between the coherent length of the beam and that of the turbulence. 一是通过湍流后的相干长度δΔ随初始光束相干长度δs、湍流相干长度ρ0的变化关系式。
Compared with the traditional estimation of atmospheric coherent length, the new method does not interrupt the system. 与传统的方法相比较,此方法不需要中断自适应光学系统的工作进行开环数据采集,保证了校正的连续性。
Calculation for the Transverse Coherent Length in Atmospheric Turbulence 大气湍流横向相干长度的计算
The McMillan tunneling model has been generalized and applied to a N-S multi-film structure with thickness of each film smaller than the superconducting coherent length. 本文推广了McMillan隧道模型,并应用于厚度小于超导相干长度的超导和正常膜组成的N-S多层薄膜结构。
The wavefront measurement noise and atmospheric coherent length are estimated from the open loop data. 大气相干长度由去除系统噪声的开环数据得到。
According to the optical transfer function of the microfocus x ray source, the effects of the size of the x ray source, the coherent length of x ray on the imaging resolution are discussed. 根据微聚焦硬x射线管的光学传递函数,对光源尺寸、相干长度等因素对成像分辨率的影响进行了分析。
This paper presents a detailed analysis of making an intelligent use of the special mechanism of the fact that coherent length of sodium light source is snort. and double line face light source in the experiment of Newton's ring. 本文详细分析了牛顿环实验中巧妙地利用了钠光源相于长度短,且为双线,面光源,这一特殊机制。
Coherent length of source plane and diffraction limit 源平面相干长度与衍射极限
A new method is proposed to estimate atmospheric coherent length. 提出了一种计算大气相干长度(r0)的新方法。
This paper describes a measuring system basing on an optical heterodyne interferometer, which utilizes a multi-mode laser diode and coupled optical fibers to adjust the coherent length of the system. 研究了一种采用多模半导体激光与耦合光纤、采取声光调制及调节相干长度的外差干涉系统。
Two optical stops ( whose diameter is 1.8 mm) inserted into the resonant cavity and collimating structure of light output ( 4 ×) are adopted to increase coherent length and measurable distance. 采用在腔内插入两个直径为1.8mm的可变光阑和输出光的准直结构(4倍),增大光源的相干长度和可测距离;
Finally the diffracting efficiencies of the three-layer periodic non-symmetric planar dielectric waveguide are calculated along with various structure parameters as well as the relationship between the coherent length of three-layer non-symmetric dielectric planar waveguide and the thickness of the core layer. 对三层非对称平面介质波导的相干长度随芯层厚度的变化和周期结构的衍射效率进行了模拟计算。
Based on the optical rectification theory, the phase-matched condition in this process is discussed. And the relationship between coherent length and refractive index is derived. 3. 在研究光整流差频理论的基础上,分析了光整流产生太赫兹辐射过程中的相位匹配条件,推导出了相干长度与折射率的关系。
Greenwood frequency and atmospheric coherent length ro can describe the coherence of beam transmitting through atmospheric turbulence and the global intensity of turbulence from both time domain and space domain. Greenwood频率和大气相干长度r0能够从时间域和空间域表达光束受湍流扰动的综合强度。
It is shown that the intensity, degree of coherence and degree of polarization in the focal region are all influenced by varying effective coherent length of incident beams and maximal angle determined by the NA of the objective. 结果表明,入射光束的有效相干长度和聚焦透镜的最大数值孔径角的取值变化都会对光强分布、相干度和偏振度产生影响。